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    Absence Management

    Absence management platforms alone won’t successfully fill classrooms. When you partner with Kelly Education, we come with a proactive placement strategy for keeping your classrooms fully staffed—and students learning. Our national footprint with school districts of all sizes gives us a broad view into teacher shortages, absence trends, and district challenges.

    We use both national vacancy data and historical district data to identify absence trends, which helps us get ahead of your high-volume days. Our powerful technology is the engine for our absence management process. But it’s not complete without our local teams, who monitor your absences daily and act quickly to fill any that remain open.

    Ready to tackle your
    absence management challenges.


    Data-driven processes help us understand your absence fluctuations, identify trends, and predict future demand.


    We support a range of industry-leading, web-based absence management systems.


    Our Talent Fulfillment teams proactively work to fill your last-minute or emergency vacancies.

    Filling absences at 5:30 a.m.—so you don’t have to. 

    About 75% of teacher absences are filled when our substitute educators schedule themselves, or via automated messaging through our absence management system. Another 25% require personal, proactive outreach—where we make a big difference.  

    Our Client Engagement and Talent Fulfillment teams work before and after school hours, monitoring absences and working to fill your last-minute openings and hard-to-fill positions or schools.

    news & insights

    Using data to get ahead of teacher absences.

    Are you getting everything you can out of your absence management system? You could be sitting on a goldmine of knowledge that could help stabilize your district's workforce. Get insider tips from our data expert. 


    You need the best and brightest.

    We can help solve your most complex talent challenges – both today and in the future – by delivering high–quality talent that moves education forward.

    If you're seeking a job with Kelly Education, explore opportunities and apply at

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