Professional Development
As we supply and support all the talented people who make learning happen—from Pre-K programs on up to colleges and universities—one thing is clear. Learning isn’t just for students.
Providing relevant, ongoing professional development to people working in an education environment is essential. It allows staff to develop the critical skills needed to thrive in their job, while also creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and invested in.
The result? A culture where everyone feels supported, and where learning is continuous.
Free, ongoing professional development.
Employees have access to hundreds of the latest online training resources on topics such as critical school safety, compliance, special education related areas, and more.
Free, instructor-led professional development webinars are hosted monthly. Topics include classroom management, verbal intervention skills, communication essentials, and more.
Higher Education
Our higher education partnerships make it easier, quicker, and more affordable for employees to advance their skills and earn teaching certificates, bachelor’s degrees, and master’s degrees.
Unmatched, 24/7 learning.
Our enrichment modules and webinars help our employees to maintain a positive learning environment, to understand differences in how students learn, and to better perform other tasks in their specific roles. They’re available to all employees in early childhood, K-12, tutoring, special education, and higher education at no charge.
- Proprietary Orientation - Our Smarts™ Training curriculum contains custom professional development and training resources for all positions we serve, including substitute teachers, paraeducators, early childhood, tutoring, food and nutrition, and custodians.
- Custom Professional Development - We provide K-12 Education and Special Education professional development and training to our specialty talent. Our employees have access to courses on topics like bullying, special needs, education technology, social-emotional learning, and much more.
- Monthly Best Practices and Refresher Courses – Our expert team develops self-paced learning modules and leads live webinars to help employees grow in their practice. These courses provide real-world tips and techniques that are applicable to any K-12 educator. Topics include classroom management techniques, teaching students with intellectual disabilities, working with students with ADHD, supporting students with autism, and more.
- Kelly Talent Learning Center – This online training portal includes 6,000+ self-paced or instructor-led career development courses as well as 55,000 eBooks and publications—covering topics such as communication skills, software skills, and project management, among others.
You need the best and brightest.
We can help solve your most complex talent challenges – both today and in the future – by delivering high–quality talent that moves education forward.
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