Kelly Education


Education Workforce
Insights Report     

Impact of the teacher shortage on the future of work. 


Using predictive modeling, Kelly Education estimates that the teacher shortage in the next three years will grow to 500,000—a crisis state. We asked more than 2,000 U.S. business leaders about the shortage and its impact on their ability to meet current and future workforce needs. The concerns are alarming. We all agree—the time to act is now.


Stabilizing America's teacher pipeline:
Why it

Educators are precious resources that are quickly becoming scarce. No one knows this better than school administrators. This report takes their concerns a step further into the business sector to gauge employers' attitudes and opinions toward solutions to grow, attract, and retain the education workforce. 


U.S. business leaders support teachers. 

male teacher with boy student

Teachers are undervalued for their contribution. 


think educators are under-appreciated considering how much they contribute to society.

teacher with teens pointing at computer

Teachers impact the local economy. 


fear that a lack of qualified talent will negatively impact economic development in their community.

Teacher with students at whiteboard

Teacher shortage needs to be a policy initiative. 


believe policy makers should act now to make the education profession more attractive.

Identifying solutions to the educator shortage crisis.  

“There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the educator shortage crisis. Approaches will – and should – vary according to local community needs, but there are a handful of strategies that can bolster the teacher and school staff pipeline and rebuild trust in and respect for the profession.”

 — Education Workforce Insights Report, 2022

Pretty teacher smiling at camera at back of classroom at the elementary school-3

Learn what business leaders are saying about the teacher shortage.